Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Realise 发觉,原来

=.= ...... just wake up early today.....
7.50am, the EARLIEST day i wake up in this long and boring holiday.
so unbelievable!!

that day....
he late sleep.....about 6am
and he woke up .....about 10.xxam 睡到自然醒
he disappointed..........
he said, i will never understand what he feel.

i late sleep.....about 3am
and me wake up.....about 7.50am 睡到自然醒, 如果是平常的日子, 肯定会继续踏油, 因为不够睡
if i disappointed.......

now i REALISE and feel what is his feeling...

lazy girl

post blog............?
i dislike writing.......
i have creact this blogspot account for what use?
there already some days since i creact a new accout.....
i wish to write some memorable everytime i sign in.........
but im LAZY.......
haha! a big excuse !